Where can I get #PLASTIK tokens. On the following exchanges:. @CoinstoreExc. @BitMartExchange. @LBank_Exchange. @Uniswap.

23 Oct 2023, 16:02
Where can I get #PLASTIK tokens? On the following exchanges: @CoinstoreExc @BitMartExchange @LBank_Exchange @Uniswap @ubeswap

Same news in other sources

PlastiksPLASTIK #1847
23 Oct 2023, 16:02
Why buy #PLASTIK tokens? #PLASTIK is the only token behind plastic recovery. Allowing recovery entities without banking to get paid in tokens. Make profit with purpose. As more plastic gets recovered, the token value increases. 📈 Recover #plastic. Get rewarded. #blockchain
Why buy #PLASTIK tokens. #PLASTIK is the only token behind plastic recovery.
Why buy #PLASTIK tokens? #PLASTIK is the only token behind plastic recovery. Allowing recovery entities without banking to get paid in tokens.  Make profit with purpose. As more plastic gets recovered, the token value increases. 📈 Recover #plastic. Get rewarded. #blockchain