How to add PLASTIK as a custom token in Metamask. Once you have added the Celo network, make sure it is selected in your wallet.
20 Dec 2022, 00:52
How to add PLASTIK as a custom token in Metamask
1️⃣Once you have added the Celo network, make sure it is selected in your wallet. You will see it at the top of your wallet homepage.
2️⃣Click on 'Import tokens', located at the bottom of the 'Assets' tab on your wallet homepage.
3️⃣Switch to the 'Custom token' tab at the top, and then enter the token address in the first field:
4️⃣The token symbol and token decimal will autofill.
5️⃣Click 'Add Custom Token' to proceed.
6️⃣You will now see a page asking you to confirm that you want to add the token. When you click 'Import Tokens', the token type will be added to your wallet.
Same news in other sources
120 Dec 2022, 17:33
How to add PLASTIK as a custom token in Trust Wallet
1️⃣The Celo Network is already integrated in Trust Wallet, so you don´t need to add it to your wallet.
2️⃣Click on "+", located at the top of your wallet homepage.
3️⃣Click on "Network".
4️⃣Scroll down and select "Celo".
5️⃣Paste the PLASTIK contract address:
6️⃣Name, symbol and decimals will autofill.
7️⃣Click on "Save".
✳️Make sure you are using a recent version of Trust Wallet.
How to add PLASTIK as a custom token in Trust Wallet.
How to add PLASTIK as a custom token in Trust Wallet
1️⃣The Celo Network is already integrated in Trust Wallet, so you don´t need to add it to your wallet.
2️⃣Click on "+", located at the top of your wallet homepage.
3️⃣Click on "Network".
4️⃣Scroll down and select "Celo".
5️⃣Paste the PLASTIK contract address:
6️⃣Name, symbol and decimals will autofill.
7️⃣Click on "Save".
✳️Make sure you are using a recent version of Trust Wallet.