Did you miss the twitter space with we had with #EthernalsNFT and #Plastiks_io . No worries, here's the recording.

27 Feb 2023, 13:30
🎙️Did you miss the twitter space with we had with #EthernalsNFT and #Plastiks_io ? 😉 No worries, here’s the recording! 👏 Enjoy the myth busting session and learn more about ReFi, Impact and Web3. Listen to the recording 👉https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1BRJjZEvQkBJw?s=20 ImpactScope Tweet👉https://twitter.com/ImpactScope/status/1630475499502804993 #Plastiks #theaeternals #emergetechlab #ImpactScope #ReFi